Getting started with Chatfuro

Chatfuro is a chatbot builder that allows you to create chatbots without any coding knowledge. It is a powerful tool that can be used to automate customer service, generate leads, and increase sales.

In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps on how to get started with Chatfuro.

You will be asked to provide some basic information about your chatbot, such as its name, the industry it is in, and its purpose.

Once you have provided this information, you will be able to start creating your chatbot’s conversation flow.

Select Data sources option to add Sites or Documents to your Chatbot.

Once you have created your chatbot’s conversation flow, you can add links to it. You will also get a sync option.

To add a link to your chatbot, go to the Add Web Pages button.

You will be asked to provide the URL of the website you want to train your Chatbot with.

Chat with the bot using preview option

To chat with your chatbot, go to the Manage Chatbots and click Open Widget or Preview buttons.

Deploy it as iframe or script in your own websites

Once you are satisfied with your chatbot, you can deploy it as an iframe or script in your own websites.

To deploy your chatbot as an iframe, go to the Manage Chatbots tab and click on the View Code option on the bot of your choice.

You will be provided with the code that you need to embed your chatbot in your website.

Add the respective code to your Site if it’s iframe or add the embed script to the body section of your website.


I hope this blog post has helped you get started with Chatfuro. For more information, please visit the Chatfuro website.